Eleven candidates have joined the Conservative Party leadership race to replace the outgoing British prime minister Boris Johnson.
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SIR, welcome
non of them are worthy.
Finally we can quantify the difference between a "shower" of Tory stealership candidates and an "absolute shower" of eleven plus.
It's hard to pick THE worst but I'd say Truss is the stupidest and most likely to be the last PM of the UK.
Tom Tugenhat and Jeremy Hunt are the only good ones, all the rest STINK.
Doris Johnson! Booted from office by Saturn's retrograde in Capricorn! I'm loving it! More government's heads will be rolling until Saturn moves into Aquarius next. Welcome to 2020 all over again. Gear up for massive protests all over the world!
I will give you Biden for PM for a cup of English Breakfast.
Why not @whiteyardie for prime minister? At least he knows how to season his food properly 👍
Take justin trudeu in exchange for uhh nothing.
I wonder how many are part of the world economic forum
Another one to be America’s lapdog 🙈🙊🙉
Only that old women still remember how half of London burning at the night 🤣
The whole period of 30 years of the country’s independence Kulibayev family robbed businesses, people. They were part of so called mighty Nazarbayev clan and this has to end. Only developed countries like yours are able to help to balance the justice in regards of this family. This process has already started. Even the latest movie about Nursultan Nazarbayev called Golden man produced by Oliver Stone tells the world the truth. Nazarbayev in his interview said himself that he shot peacefu civilians during events in Zhana Ozen in 2011. He admitted it himself. Crimes like this are against all legal and human rights. The small group of people has stolen all from the people and ruined the economy. Now the country is surviving. All because of bunch of criminals including Timur Kulibayev, Dinara Kulibayeva, Bolat Nazarbayev, Umut
Shayakhmerova, Raushan Sagdiyeva. Howcome all of these crimes are unnoticed by the world leaders like you?!
Watch out for Jacob Rees Mogg, who is currently seriously considering being a contender. He is Number one favourite for British voters.
England needs to get rid of their Conservative Party and rejoin the EU!
Whoever will be next UK PM, rest assured Putin will still remain in Russia nobody from the Allies was able to stand up to him, this is NOW the era of the Gentiles ! 🇷🇺🇨🇳
Putin 4 PM ( Do it NWO ! )
bodycams for all politicians in 2023 (even after retirement)
Rory Stewart for Prime Minister!!! ✨✨✨
no one is fit for purpose for that line up 😂
Despite The Economic Crisis. I am so happy that I have been earning $60,000 on my $7,000 capital. Thanks to Mr,Luis Howard.
Boris Johnson was born in New York City, New York, USA. He's got dual US and UK citizenship and pays taxes in both countries. He is eligible to run for the US Senate seat from the state of New York. There is no actual residency requirement. Hilary Clinton was not a resident prior to winning the US Senate seat from New York.
His Excellency Boris Johnson. You should keep fighting against the negative.
Do the right thing.
Keep helping the world, establish Vegan Country and help Ukraine.
We are on your side.
You are Brave enough to go against Russia and meat industry killers. Bravo.
8 out of 10 Democrats want nothing to do with Biden. Kamala is even worse !! That was February this year !! It is now 9 out 10 Democrats want nothing to do with both !! The people behind corrupting your press and Democrat party, are the elitist, moneyed British Liberal order. Make NO !! mistake about this !!
A no confidence vote the Torries need
Great news for Philippines. Maria Ressa will be jailed! Justice is served!!! Mabuhay Pilipinas!!!
Half of them ethnic. The UK is sleepwalking to disaster in order to please outsiders.
Vote Edmond blackadder the only man for the job 👍
It makes no difference who they elect because it's another one of their members. They are related.