WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared monkeypox a global emergency on Saturday, despite a lack of consensus among members.
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Funny looking pimple
Oh here we go again.
You mean monkeycox right !?
If you're a monkey, don't play with other monkey's bananas.
The head of WHO shouldn't be playing with the monkeys.
Who cares, welcome to covid 2 the sequel. Here we go again, governments gave themselves so much power, that they don’t want to give it up.
Allah will keep the punishments coming. People need to submit to his will and repent. There's no God worthy of worship but Allah most merciful owner of majesty. Stop teaching kids homosexuality and lgbtq agendas in your schools..
Why would I listen to a genocidel maniac like Tedros, just ask Nigeria what they think of him.
This time let it run it's course
Distraction from more important issues. WHO should know by now the public trust for them is in the toilet. Why would we even bother listening to them now?
Monkey pox is the new covid 19.
If they consider it a global health issue so call pandemic then why are they making the same mistake as they did with c.o.v.i.d . Sounds like a P.L.A.N.D.E.M.I.C to me.
Who really cares about WHO?
The elephant in the room is what demographic monkeypox mainly effects.
Mandatory condoms?
Anyone still jabbing and masking needs to be banned from electronic devices.
By monkey pox do you bums mean AIDS because u never cured that either, makes me wonder how you keep your jobs.
Is the news going to tall about bidens son on videos moving heroine or are they going to cover it up?
Odd, its acting like an STD, predominantly in one demographic. Not transmissible by air.
Chimpanzee adenovirus vectors (ChAd) in the coof-19 jabs…..
The 2022 version of AIDS. A lot of hype over nothing!
WHO- Agent ( Broker) of Pharmaceutical Company.Working for interest of Pharmaceutical Company
No wonder Trump wanted out of the WHO.
Better line up CANADIAN MONKEYS🇨🇦🇨🇦 Don’t miss your shots!…
What a mess show continue👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
Anyone going to investigate his bank balance increase after stating monkeypox is now a pandemic. Or his off-shore accounts?
Why declare this no one has died. These guys at the WHO are criminals
But nothing about Child Trafficking??
Can't believe Tedros Ghebreyesus is still employed by the WHO after their bungled response in the early stages of Covid. Sad.
And whats the big lumpy elephant in the room again?…
This organization has zero credibility
2024 cant come fast enough
Don’t put in into you bum.
Sure lol
I have lost all trust in WHO and the liberal government
We will have to start wearing masks covering our buttholes.
What did you expect after pride month?
I declare the need to disband & prosecute the WHO a global emergency
Haaaa nobody cares!
Maybe the who should stop crying wolf…they've lost all credibility
Tedros = not a real doctor; I think just an honorary PhD
Monkeypox (the k is silent)
You mean pridepox??
I see only monkey brains.
celebrate PRIDE and get monkeypox
M0n%ey P0% was designed for the D/L's to VV1n the nn id-Ternns…. so this is the 2nd P01it1c@1 H0@%.
I Believe You, Tedro 😉🤫🐺
And he has no medical qualifications.
First of all: travel from countries exposed and immigration should STOP NOW.
Is called PREVENTION for the security of the Nation.