U.S. basketball player Brittney Griner pleaded guilty in a Russian court to drugs charges that could see her face 10 years in prison.
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1:38 you should feel frustrated that your wife thought she was above other countries laws and thought she could smuggle drugs in
Her: I hate America
Also Her: America! HELP!!!
I hope Griner is enjoying the Russian anthem, since she had such a problem with ours.
Who cares
She can rot in jail. How can anyone have sympathy for her.
Let Russia keep her in jail for 20 years
Have fun is Russian prison
If you can’t do the time then don’t commit the crime 😁
Biden will not DARE ask for her release!
Prisoner swap?😆 where? Y’all tripping!
If trump was president, he would get her free.
😂😂👏👏🤗 Karma
What does a healthy fit athletic need cannabis oil for?
Why is the hell,you're carries vaper.That dump on your parts.Rude your own career.
Why didn't you girl check or did she pack your suitcase.SET U UP
Thanks president Putin, please keep her, maybe she will learn how to be less entitled. We have another America hater, Lebron James, want him too?
Why hasn’t the LGBT community hasn’t went to the United Nations and protested. She’s not worth a prison swop, she’s only a basketball player that’s not important to the United States Government. She pleaded guilty, if you do the crime, you get caught you’ll do the time. She broke Russian Law now her wife husband is making speeches here in the United States, why doesn’t she fly to Russia and be close to her Hisband Wife.
Most wives would have flow to Russia for there Husband or Husbands would have flown to Russia that’s what Husbands and wives do for each other that Good or Bad. In these two woman’s case it’s Bad, now it’s time for the Man & Man and Woman and Women to fly over their and protest for one of their own. Oh that’s right the WNBA should be up in arms for one of their own as well.
OK I’m sorry but did they kind of say or hint at this being Putin’s fault?
Her whole prisoner swap shpeel literally made the opposite of sense.
"They said that a prisoner swap is unable to be done or unlikely.. but in fact… they've done a prisoner swap before "
Uhm………… and?!…….. comparing two different prisoner swaps with completely different circumstances and calling it and apples to apples comparison shows nothing but your ignorance…………..
You nailed it!! She feels so important & is clearly self centred. We call them narcissists..
& she/he/it slated ur Nation then had the absolute nerve to ask for help..
No prisoner swap, let her stay in prison, she pleaded guilty. She hates America, let her rot there, Putin please keep her/it/him?
She tried to bring cannabis oil through the airport. She’s such a dope head she couldn’t wait to get some when she landed!
see you 10 years brit!!
She deserves 20 years to life sentence justice needs to be done to Americans smuggling drugs
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is absolute GOLD
Take a knee in your new country 🇷🇺🦵 don't you just love karma 😄
It’s pretty simple, respect the laws of countries no matter where you go. Don’t be so entitled and ignorant, think before you act.
We will trade you Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Liz Caney, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Lensy Graham, Mitch McConnell, and the SQUAD.
You can practice interrogation technics with them. We would throw in Berney Sanders and Joe Biden but you already have their support.
Final offer otherwise you keep her or him or whatever.
Why are Americans supposed to are about someone who hates America. Leave her in Russia. She broke their laws, she deserves jail time.
Grinder has now woken up and can smell the fresh coffee ☕ coming down the hallway from the screw's and parole officer's office, and yes now she can see more clearly and she she remembers where she slept last night and yes she remembers what she's there for, and now realises her privileges have been taken away and yes she is now having nightmares about the 10-years that she may spend their or in the luxury of an American prison is too far fetch and she can only wish that she was in an American prison right now which is far better than the sums she's staying qt right now 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 and I'm sure by the time she gets out she should be a lot wiser she can join one of those classes they run in side that supply recreational skills art 🎨and maths and English while she's sobbering up from the high and regretting every thought moment and every second of her wasted days I guess.
🥴🚬 cheers 🥂 and the come down must be way too bad and remembering herr last meal 🍴🍲 and thinking about her wife on the outside getting hot on the steamie afternoon and finding it hard to hold it down and maybe cheating with another woman in her bed oh the thought must be terrible 😱 for her waking up in a s***💩hole 🕳 of a so called place to live as prison 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 oh well at least you surrounded by other women she should have a field day if she's looking for a bit on the side to help her pass the time🙄 what a long legged skinny loser she is big time loser big bed big time oh well she can join the number 27 or whatever they call it like Amy Winehouse and Prince that's what she'll do in the next 10 years join the club and just go missing I'll swing by the neck against the ceiling will her torn up bed sheets
She deserves life for travelling to Russia these days as an American. Like what is wrong with her. Why would you ever do that knowing they will do anything to hurt your country?
The wife is frustrated? I guess they are both frustrated they need help you don’t make a crime and then you just say I didn’t know you are a grown up it is not that easy to break the law and just say I didn’t know