Overnight strikes in central Ukraine have resulted in killing 13 people while 11 others are reported to being injured. According to the Ukrainian authorities, 5 of them are reported to be in a pretty serious condition.
#Ukraine #G7 #Strikes
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More weapons to be sold on the black market
What a useless media. So russians shelled themselves. Nonsense. This is what the so called democratic west are making us to believe when it a clearer lies. This has shown that all the major media are controlled by these people who tell the broadcasters what to say and what not to say. So called democracy are totally empire of lies. Thanks so much to Russia. God will be with Russia always. The true free world are with you.
Meeting is not good solution why UN not killed putin only 1 person is treat to the whole world.
May God continue to be guide amazing people of Ukrainian heroes. Love from India 🇮🇳❤🇺🇦👍🏻
The democracy of Ukraine was superficial!
Winds blow from west to east. Watch out Russia or you can poison yourself.
There all Doing it AND Planned to Expand NATO and ONE WORLD ORDER. Destroy the American Constitution ,Thats All.
Zelensky is doing business with the western whiĺes Russia is focusing on their target
Repent Matthew chapter 34 Bible prophecies fulfilling repent vain is the help of man repent
Jesus christ is our soon coming king repent isiah chapter 9:6:9 repent
Repent Matthew chapter 24 Bible prophecies fulfilling repent
It is ridiculous to suggest that Russia would be shelling anything it controls, let alone nuclear power plant. Do they really think the world is that dumb to buy into this nonsense?
Best blogger in the world comedian elensky
selensky sukrain got no chance
So Russia is occupied nuclear plant and firing on their own positions? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
G7, NATO, & the USA need to enforce the return of the nuclear power plant back to Ukraine and establish a no military perimeter around the plant. Currently Russia us using the bays at the plant to store tanks and ammunition. Additionally, Russia is firing MLRS rockets from the facility, and we know those are sometimes faulty returning to their firing position or just blowing up and destroying their own equipment. Russia is not using any common sense and needs to be brought into control especially at this power plant before all of Europe and Russia becomes radioactive and unlivable
According to Amnesty International, the military forces of kyiv are using Russian speaking villagets of Donesk as human shields : they claim the Kyiv military was filling up ethnic Rusduan villages of Donbass with barracks and big guns. They said this was inside Russian speaking villages of Donbass. Both sides are shelling areas with civilians, says Amnesty International.
Ukraine is shelling the nuke power plant.
Ukraine under attack haha..
Ukraine was under attacked since March. I hate this 1 sided channel
Go on then, blast that plant to cause a new nuclear disaster which will benefit Ukraine 🤐
The USA is behind all this, which is that it manages the attacks only using Zelenky's Coward and the poor soldiers and mens of the Ukraine.
ukraine destroys russian military equipments, in response russia bombed civilian homes killing innocents. This is the proof that russia is a terror organization with nuke, they are same as isis, alquida, taliban etc. world should come together and wipe them out.
If Russia win this military operation…
The world will be different and more united
Zelensky run!!!!
Nazis Zelensky Nazis Joe USA 🇺🇸
Stop the war please. It is the most stupid thing to do.
and why are India bodys with this REGIME…drop russia India wake up…
act for humans …..or be at shame forever
keep away from nuclear site
Denazify Ukraine!!!!! Russia must intensify the denazification process. More Russian firepower will speed up the process.
How does anyone know whom is shelling who?
Such nonsense. Why would Russia strike an area they already control? Once again the corruption and ineptness of Zelinsky and his people show themselves and they blame their attempt to create a "false flag" event to blame Russia continues. Since it is clear EU and the US don't care anything about Ukraine…NATO is much ado about nothing….why doesn't Zelinsky simply ask for the personal billions he wants, take it and see if he can get on the next Mars mission? His continuing to murder his own people and asking his soldiers to perform suicide missions with no possibility of winning is shameful and the UN should intervene against Ukraine.
Forward Russia, don't live even one soul, capture Zelensky and feed him to the dogs.
UN has proved to be another joke.
Ukraine is shelling the nuclear plant because the Russian occupiers control it. End of story. When the media lies, no matter how good their intentions, it’s their credibility that suffers.
Fku zelensky
Here he is the saliva man again on cam, but yet still not surrendering.
Don't get biased otherwise you get tag.
Russia and China must attack the US!! Which has caused all these wars and destroyed many countries in the world!!! ENDING THE US will CREATE PEACE FOR the whole WORLD!!
Fking misleading headline
True, the Russians shelled themselves. Bravo, your stupidity is amazing.
Man,now you are lying too.I really thaught that you are cincere media but that doesnt exist
Who is sponsoring this war is the US government. This is how the US promotes "Tombstone Democracy" around the world. But, the powerful American Media, controlled by the government of that "free and democratic country", always shows the world that Washington is always the "Good Guy", the "Bandits" are always the other nations. The days of "Uncle Sam" being the "Wyatt Earp" of the World are over and the World IS NOT TOMBSTONE!
Nobody is buying your misleading titles, I'm starting to loose faith in you wion. Seams the elites have gotten to you as well .you're just an other msm shilling bs "media" 🙄
Let the whole world wakeup and save Ukraine instead of watching Russian force's committing atrocities .
Apparently the Russians have said they will allow the international atomic energy agency in to check on the state of the zaporozhia nuclear power but Ukraine are saying that they will not allow it until it's back under Ukrainian control. Not sure if this is true as I saw it on a YouTube channel called Redacted.
I thought this channel was deferent, how is Russia shelling this place while they're in charge of it, I don't get it..
Robbed everyone in Ukraine and still selling junk, killer Zelensky
Thanks to Rusians for destroying that Natzis Organization of Zelensky, whos only goal is to kill Rusian and US with his poison produced in those labs. So many people died because of him and his supporters, myself being a victim of those killers/Ukrainian husband. Rapist for a $$$ Natzi member. We see now in US what they are up to, hope that people stand up against them and bring justice to them.
Russia doesnt have to use nuclear weapons ..just blow up a nuclear facility
go away zalensky we dont need you killing his own people