President Vladimir Putin said that Russia had barely got started in Ukraine and dared the West to try to defeat it on the battlefield.
#Russia #Ukraine #VladimirPutin
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знаки надежды и облегчения я верю в россию
14 200–14 400 убитых
Good job Russia
Why is war necessary for Putin?
If the Putin administration cannot be maintained,
Pursuit against Putin begins -> "Putin's embezzlement: at least ₽10,688,606,000,000 of Russian national budget."
Putin has always escaped by war acting.
What goes around comes around.
Взрыв плотины – хорошая стратегия
komoha ka ng babae togegaraw 20 peraso pomatay ka Ng binting lalaki
How if ever can anyone defeat Russia that has thousands of nuclear bombs unless the aggressor wants mutual destruction.
So Putin 's Russia has BARELY started on Ukraine! But we were told it would be a cakewalk. Barely one or two days! The very fact THE UKRAINIANS ARE STILL FIGHTING, IS A VICTORY IN ITSELF. I SALUTE THE UKRAINIANS FOR BRAVERY AND PATRIOTISM! LONG LIVE UKRAINE! THUMBS DOWN TO PUTIN'S RUSSIA!
The poeple of Ukraine have to overthrow the current government.
The Armenian genocide of 1915 committed by Turkey estimates up to one and half million Armenian deaths, but NATO, America, Europe and the so called Democratic countries have not mentioned a word about it, and not expressed it.
Ukraine is alley of Turkey, America, NATO and the West, Ukraine has even sold weapons to Azerbaijan, and stands with Azerbaijan for the war against Armenia.
Ukraine has also joined America in Iraq and even Afghanistan for the unjustified wars against them.
All these wars always start from Europe and America that so-called Western civilized civilization I never see much Wars starting from the Middle East and yet the same Americans and Europeans are bombing the Middle East wanting to bring peace and democracy to Middle East and bombing the Middle Eastern people for it.
In Ukraine, Russia is borrowing and refining pages from the American playbook. Lay waste in manners similar to Afghanistan and Iraq and colonize and dominate like the Apartheid Jews do to the Palestinians. All of this being done under the watchful and inept United Nations.
Bring it on nigga putin
I'm going to Earn Putin to lay off the Russian vodka cause ain't no nobody buying it it's got poison on it
I would not use the bathroom toilet after Vladimir Putin used it
Putin is a hard ball player so Europe and NATO going to be in for a long war .
Russia Kicking thst A$$. Ukraine fire missle on a strip mall an oh look what ukraine has done, Now watch this Russia says, wanna hide weapons an military arms at the University, its leveled…
maybe Putin means the rotting to the core of the russian army now really begins – the russian army is so ridiculous
Putin turns everything around and blames usa for dragging this war on . He started it . He wanted to overtake Ukraine government. Beheaded he said. But first he bombs women and children to physiological defeat Ukraine. Providing weapons to Ukraine is the only way to end this. Putin is running out of options, he soon has to go nuke. That's the end
Exhausted already just at the starting.
Little bluf dictator.
Ukraine just quit it my god don’t join nato so Russia can back off
Yes. Formerly conservative, now progressively more aggressive.
Zelensky looks losser… He made a big mistake againts Russia … See Ukraine country is suffering. His country was distroy.
Putin donde Tonto get Odessa
Salute China
Just need to take out putin
Now that nato forces are ready for Russia to put one finger over the red line or fire a shot over the red line then Russia has attack nato and will have to pay heavily.
Gonna cost Russia a lot more mothers sons !
In a war of attrition, which is where it's at right now, advantage goes to the home field every time. Without using nukes, Russia will loose this war.
Support Russia🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
So Pootin's Russian campaign is just beginning? Must be intent on destroying the Russian army and all Russian credibility then. Slava Ukraine.
They need to surrender already.
But zelensky dont want money funnel to stop. Cant blame blame him really, BILLIONS n BILLIONS sent to him n no one knows where it really went..
Sounds like Mike the Pillow Dude. Sell that table, fella, and maybe you can buy another tank.
That’s exactly what grandma use to said and already had 7 kids with grandpa
We just started!!
russia still thinks this is like Chechnya. it's not quite the same. Ukraine has bigger territory and support from most Europe and US. he underestimated Ukraine greatly and it shows.
Jesus Christ is in control of everything in the world.
Everyone knows that. A lot of millions' dollars monuments in Ukraine. And there are among Ukraine source of income. So easy. Just deal with it. LOL
Ukraine, Eu and US violated Minsk Agreement,,, Azov battalion nazi violated Pro Russian Ukrainians in the east of Ukraine since 2014..
He’s deep breathing like he’s scaring in the future