Russian President Vladimir Putin declared victory in Ukraine’s eastern Luhansk province as Ukrainian troops retreated from their last stronghold in the city of Lysychansk.
#VladimirPutin #Luhansk #EnglishNews
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May Our Lady of Zarvanytsia protect Ukraine from Putin's evil madness. May all Ukrainian saints intercede with the Almighty for the immediate removal of Putin and Lavrov from power. May the First Testament Prophets (Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Amos etc.) join all the holy Jewish men and women to bring this about. May St John Paul II and St Nicholas, St Therese of Lisieux, together with St George, St Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and all the angels protect Ukrainians and bring their country to a just peace. May Sloviansk be protected.
The beggar president
Zelenski just go back to comedy. Because he is a joke. Send more money more money more money. He is busy screwing every one over the whole world is suffering because he wants more money to pis out on a war that could have been avoided, hes a joke go back to comedy
Vladimir may have won the battle, but he is far from winning the war. Wow, he won a rubble pile – that he created.
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I know many Ukraine elderly and disabled are living in hell…no food , loud noises , troops , and bombs…I'm drinking beer in a car and upset and praying for them..
American is combat experience and able why not deploy them soldiers to Ukraine and bomb Russian and save the Ukrainian people. they have done it before in the weakest middle east
Victory a joke ha ha ,victory over smashed buildings what a hero ,hope someone will send a nice missile to Putins palace oh nearly forgot with complements from NATO
Zelensky you are always asking other country support, how about thier people also ? They need also support? Use your brain .
Victory To Russia. <3
You don't hear the U.S. and U.K. talking to loud now. LOL!
Stop Zelensky and you will have peace. This man is literally killing people in the defence. What is the use of rebellion when your own countrymen are dieing ? We all need to understand that there is no cultural difference between a Russian and an Ukrainian. So even if Russian controls Ukraine, it will just be a political change. It's not a middle Easter muslim country invading a Christian country.
Respect presido
What victory? One nation lost everything. Lakhs of people become refugees. Hunger, poverty, weapons, blood ,dead bodies… What victory?
Give it a couple hours they'll take it back Putin
After putin dies
Russia will have to answer lot of questions .
Today victory
Tommory missery
Just like America is telling every country not to use nuke
Well who started nuke in the first place
how is taking a single life little loan destroying many victory. that man is discusting. I hate to be in his shoes on the day of God's judgment.
this guy is the definition of evil… there iisn’t an ounce of sympathy or forgiveness in his stone cold heart! if this guy was on his death bed.. his final request would probably be to launch the nukes unfortunately…
He also can claim victory in hell !
What have you done Zenlensky. I think you are wicked for putting your people through this.
I don't know what kind of deal the United States must of cut with Ukraine I don't think that it will be worth it
Bravo super congratulations mr president great news 💪🏼
Victory in War only what about ur Victory in your own Health.Innocent people r dying ..cause of this Brutal Leader ..Fear the Lord.
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Ukraine will be rebuild by Russia after it has been captured completely, Zelensky is in a Gulag and NATO, that entered by then the war will be beaten.
Dream on that Zelensky and his drugs will rebuild Ukraine. They will end in a Gulag or as a rotting skeleton in a corner.
Stop stop stop stop stop stop
He will build an empire of wealth from all nations!
Ukraine will have to be saved by the west, because if not, they will not only loose billions of dollars that they have already spent on Ukraine, but they will also loose billions of dollars in profits from the oil they will receive.
Putin WILL send out a "hail mary" to everyone as he goes down, if he does go down.
/// >>> Vladimir Putin is 100% guilty of genocide and he walks a free man. A basketball player (from the USA) gets busted at a Russian airport with a small amount cannabis and is facing 10 years in prison. Vladimir Putin then lets his troops know (via his commanders in charge of the war) that it is fine (and legal) for the troops to rape, pillage and murder innocent men, women and children….. and again, a basketball player (from the USA) gets busted at a Russian airport with a small amount cannabis and is facing 10 years in prison. Think about that for just a moment, let it sink in, then look in the mirror and honestly decide for yourself if you come up with a good answer for this hypocrisy. Vladimir Putin's ash heap awaits him. <<< ///
Time out ,I thought I ordered Vlad a hair piece , zelenzkey has been getting so much ass
Russia will rebuild your country .
Always victory to russia.
The Evile Empires of Lies must Remember
The Russian Red Army has never lost a war against the empires of lies…Without Russia the WW2 would not have been won….
Pay in rubles and stop freezing the Assets of the Russian Banks or seffer the consequences of the lack of Russian gas and oil …. more than half of the World with Russia… stop the acts of easy grapping…you do not learn from history because you do not want to.
Why medias of the empires of lies have never replied against the promises of no nato expansion eastward?because these medias are controlled by the empires of lies.
URAAA … URAAA … URAAA… You are the best and with no equal. Give the empire of lies what deserve before they suck all your blood….they are neverever to be trusted as they are fatherless, valueless, family breakers, child kidnappers, foxy scavengers and coward.
God protect you forever Mr. Putin.
Putin certainly has a strange concept of victory. A devastated smoking wasteland is hardly a success.
Zelenskey is a big joke if he don't surrender that's what he can do asking and asking alwys for aid
This won't end if zelenskey keep running he's mouth instead to save he's people life