Indian President Narendra Modi criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine saying “it is not an era of war.”
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its not era of war. and modi is just preparing battle ground in india . Muslims vs hindutva
One is waging war with other countries and the other wages war with his own people.
I am from Mumbai India and we the people of india love russia and our old friend USSR because when USA was trying to attack'with his distroyer at that point ☝️ USSR come to save us
Go Putin go don't pay attention or don't give fuk about this west and Europe that will just cry on background you keep it up keep busting this Nazis in Ukraine
Modi was like: its not the time for war, but u carry on😂😂😂
Thats not a rebuke…. hes just saying hes view…. he wishes there was peace
INDIA AND RUSSIA ❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🇮🇳🇮🇳❤️❤️🇷🇺🇷🇺🌹🌹🌹🌹
The only way to stop Russia is to remove Vladimir Putin by any means necessary I feel sorry for the Russian people having to deal with that pathetic loser that's scumbag that walking talking piece of vodka fresh Vladimir Putin
English translation make it sound rude. PM modi used very kind words in Hindi
glory to Russia
Modiji just said this is not an era for war. Try to settle things through bilateral talks.
And here is shameless CNN trying to take advantage.
Still no any prime minister directly talk to russia"stop war"Only Modi✌️✌️
hum…Kashmir hum…
Just shut up!!!! Indian love russian at any cost, even on the grave of Ukraine
Only true friend can say like this when freind in wrong way
We, India annex Kashmiri and Russia annex Ukraine. The lands are respectfully belong to us. We want Russia oil and gases. Pakistan, Sri Lanka are our lands too.
Jai Hindutva Modi.
Russia and India strong. 💪💪💪
Putin support India to takes back our Hindustani lands, including Bangladesh and Nepal. Indian origins support India's Hindutva.
We, Indians support Russia annex Ukraine.
A sign that India's parasite is doing a damage control. Ukraine is winning.
I think only modi can say to putin like this on his mouth
Why the world was not condemning usa for war on crime they have committed in the middle east and other countries????
#CNN tell me when US invaded afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of the world and had killed innocent people's doesn't must be called as US AN BUTCHER COUNTRY in world since US origin has given birth to terrorism in world they funded Al-qaeda, ISIS etc. No country like to ban Or sanction on US since they know if they will put sanctions on US then till BUTCHER COUNTRY will plot terrorist attacks and will create instability in their system as they were born to do this sort of acts. But when they were hitted hard by 9/11 they were like what's the hell is this let's clean this mess in country and scatter this around the world. But I urge to all terrorist organizations to execute the massively & mass target killing in US, when they & there family will cry and there families will be ruined then all that crying will be healing to the peoples who dies because of US invasion around the world. #US BUTCHER COUNTRY #ASS LICKER. US A BITCH COUNTRY.
😂😂😂 just picking what suits narrative..
American politicians & the western msm presstitute cartel,when one thinks they have already achieved new lows they surprise you with new bottoms to be fathomed by their ultimate arrogant idiocracy 🤣🤣
No not a setback.. Indians will always be with Russia
You edited the clip.. show the rest of the clip..
Modi who are you to rebuke putin? Cos your female gender have no safety in india they are gang raped every week , sold ,beaten,killed , and you do nothing. what a wicked leader you are ,till a woman pregnant was gang raped, her 3 year old babys head bashed with stone ,till she died,14 of family members slaughtered, , Mr!Modi realses these rapist killers 11 of them , cos they are Hindu with good upbringing , the victim A muslim. !
No , you are wrong here. Just wait and see this.
Lol. CNN is also sh!t.
You just talk particular words that's in favour of west
Typical American news channel with manipulation…
Narendra Modi is not the Indian "President". He is the "Prime Minister". CNN FYI
without peace inflation surge rapidly everywhere, shakes federal govts & topple it. war in 21st century is globalised as well as proxy wars r decentralised.
First time ever 🤟cnn has praised India 😂😂😂
It's not a surprise to me that Indian president, known of their good thinkers since ancient time, is a solid and wise man of peace and cannot accept bombing of civilian targets
Modi to Putin: I will say something to please the west and it will not change anything on the ground
Putin: You're the best
We Indians have never waged any war, in any occasion, we have kept our history clean…. Peace and Tranquility are all we believe in….The Same Ethos have been reflected in Our Hon'ble PM Modiji's Statement, everywhere.
the people of west are in worry because war is infront of their door, but when the people of asia faced so much they never show any interest. most of the asian countries facing poverty prblm only becz of west. they use poor countries in their choice. India neither attacked anyone nor support anyone…becz we believe in non align.
Lol… Look at western media..
We are still neutral in the war. And we will be purchasing oil from Russia.
Russia is not isolated, Europe and North America doesn't represent sentiments of whole world.
We don't take you seriously CNN
– an indian