Video released on Sunday showed eight police officers in Akron, Ohio, were involved in a shooting that killed Jayland Walker whose body was found with some 60 gunshot wounds after he fled a traffic stop last week.
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How many cops on one guy its Suicide to try open fire on them any one with a straight frame of mind any way
That’s all we do and nothing happens after that . Doing this to them triggers our trauma just by being black . Some of us are trying to heal our apartheid trauma by bus is not helping us. Sono sethu bubu mnyama
SO GLAD all of the police officers went home safe this night.
FYI- LEO's don't fire warning shots, what goes up must come down. LEOs are trained to fire 2 shots to the center of the chest the largest part on the body, if that doesn't work then shoot for the head in the event of body armor. Also look up SYMPATHETIC/Reflex fire to see why most of the officers fired. Secondly, all LEOs are trained to assume there is a second weapon. Officer safety first and foremost, they can't help the public if they fall victim.
So desperate for attention and to feel important that they need to protest for criminals who can't figure one of a billion ways to avoid being shot by the police. Unless each individual cop shot 90 times, no one cares. Black kids shot every other day and you, but you want to spend time huffing and puffing for this guy? Considering there are thousands of black people arrested for gun violations, murders and shootings every year without incident, this shouldn't be your top priority. Improving graduation rates, SAT scores, murder rates and basic social skills should be the priority. But thats actually hard and doesnt get you attention. Oh yeah, the system is broken, more like logic is broken.
He had a lot on his plate which is sad. He looked like a decent kid but why run why shoot at the Police? The Officer's were excessive in the shooting yes but they didn't know if he was carrying only that he shot at them once with intent to kill. He ran because he was carrying sad and my condolences R.I.P to him and his late fiancée. The ring in the car is so sad 🙁
People are so dumb they will follow any one. He got himself killed. Reap what you sow.
Let the Judge do his job! When a cop says to do something! Do it!!
They didn't have to do that!
What? Accountability, what's that!
What justice? There can never be justice when a life is taken in this manner!
My GOD, he had already loss the love of his life.
May the LORD hold you and comfort you, little boy!
I guess that’s why you don’t shoot at police
Find The actual video unedited on donutmedia on YouTube.
This videos editing has been done to make people no see the actual video that shows that his race was unknown untill he was on the ground with 60+ bullets into him.
Why are u editing out the parts showing he's wearing a mask and noone anywhere besides himself knows what race he is. He's completely covered. He coulda been purple. But ya definitely excessive shooting. Not race related though
If you follow lawful orders from popo.
They will not shoot you.
If you shoot and run well all bets are off.
Golly gee whiz
They want to ban your guns, so Hollywood is now becoming fictional!! USA is obsessed with false flags!! Happened on 27 6 and shot 60…fake fake fake!!
Sounds like Suicide by Cop
Crackrun Akron
C'mon citizens in Akron…you know what needs to be done. Find the cops names…………… And post the names EVERYWHERE. Let's fix this shit.
And don't forget the police LEADERSHIP, those lying mferssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THEY ALL need to be eliminated.
There were 8 videos. Citizens saw ONLY ONE.
Akron citizens all need to go deer hunting. BUY A RIFLE.
This is why there will be riots in USA!
90 bullets is a Lil to much firing but I can't feel sorry for someone who shoots at cops an who runs from them as well I just can't do it.. sorry Obey tf law an do what ur told an u won't be killed by police officers when u shoot at cops an then run from them what do u expect to happen..if I did the samething this guy did I would deserve to have been shot just because of my actions!! Police officers have a job to do an it's always gonna be thier life over urs or mine an when u try am harm one of them that's when ur life is gonna be in jeopardy..come on ppl it's not rocket science to know to obey tf law an everything will be ok..
Here are the facts, a man that shot at police is running towards a neighborhood with families and children… What would you do? AND how the hell are the cops supposed to know the >SHOOTER< is unarmed… We are living in a land of idiots!!! I am so sick of this crap!!! No, just let him find a child to take hostage, that would be the right thing to do right?
Or maybe let him take out oh lets say 19 students and teachers before he takes his own life… As a veteran who served his country, this stupid crap pisses me off so bad…
There was a gun shot fired, go checkout donut operator and he breaks down the incident
Justice for drivers with asperger's
My Country Feedback 🇺🇸♥
Greetings from hell.
There always hell to pay.
"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country, and stop aiding the enemy."
"The quick brown fox, jumped over the lazy dog." Lesson 1.
Case is so easy to solve it's not even problematic at all.
I know exactly what it is all about because I have watched television shows all my life. Those guys were "aping."
In the first place, these are not police office.
So they were never on duty.
These are what they used to call them in the old west, "gunmen" or "gunslingers" who hired themselves out or made their living by challenging other men to a gun fight. This whole gunmen culture had an economic purpose, which is not often discussed.
If the gunmen killed another man in a gunfight, he immediately inherited all of the deceased man's personal property and money; his horse, his guns and ammo, his boots, his clothing, his hat, his saddle, his saddle bags, his canteen, his winnings, his lose change, and his women for breeding rights.
So this is what you have here, one man destroying another man's seed, to prevent him from breeding with the woman. And at the same time the gunmen assures this his seed will be perpetuated and survive as his posterity. They are inhuman beasts. They killed for gain, not for the purpose of enforcing any laws at all. They were never entitled to be recognized as peace officers, nor officers of the law. Get a rope!! String them up.
I base my opinion on television history
Wyatt Erp
Dodge City
The Lone Ranger
The Texas Rangers
26 Men.
Now the remains of the deceased also has commercial and economic value and financial value, and educational value to teaching hospitals, organ transplant sales, manufacturing aphrodisiacs from human bi-products and human remains.
That is the reason why my opinion asserted that there should have been a hail of gunfire, resulting in maximizing the profits, after all the remains of those gunmen are have the same marketable commercial value as th me Negro man that they executed on the spot.
And who fired that mysterious initial round which caused the police to draw their weapons on a gruesome display of overzealous, overacting, and overreacting as if they were playing a role in the Wild. Wild, West? The gunslinger were "aping" a pre-conceived, premeditated role play.
String them up!
They should simply be tried as adults offenders, and not as police officers.
My Country Feedback 🇺🇸♥
Greetings from Hell.🤟
O God come quickly to my assistance against the inhuman beasts.
O Lord make haste to help me.
O Lord quickly hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto Thee.
What's up with this?
Strip them of all rank.
Strip them of all pay.
Strip them of all personal and real property.
Strip them of their licenses.
Strip them of their right to life.
Strip them of their cars.
Strip them of their memberships.
Strip them of their faculties.
Deny them a fair trial as the deceased brother was denied as fair trial.
Strip them of legal representation.
The deceased brother was execute by a firing squad without a trial. As above so below, in the same way the officers should go.
That is my opinion.
My Country Feedback 🇺🇸♥
You mean, there was not a hail of gunfire to protect the brother?🤟
You mean there was nor a hail of gunfire following the illegal execution?🤟
You mean those officers walked away alive?🤟
What's up with that? 🤟
Resisting arrest has consequences
They are racism
This kid shot at cops. Only an idiot wouldn’t shoot back. Good job officers
DON’T RUN!!!!! Where can you go skiing in Akron at that time of night? He was no doubt out to murder someone that night. Are people losing their minds? Crime is exploding across our country, these people need to be stopped!!! Protesting this is promoting criminal activity.
Brother did all he could to de-escalate the situation by leaving the car an gun
He was turning around to put his hands up when they opened fire
The kkk are stronger than ever thanks to Trump
Protesting is dead
King made protest powerful
They shot him in the head
Stop looking for reasoning from a machine
Yes he shot you can see the pop out his driver window he got what he asked for
Well it seems that even the police is playing the video game GT5 on theyre free time.
This was a horrible! With the cost of fuel and ammo, homey should've
been more considerate that causing the city to use all those
resources.And now we can't even mandate that he pays it back. Simply
He shot at the police then fled on foot with a ski mask on. They shot him up like the 4th of July. In my opinion, it was excessive gunfire.
Most of these ppl in the comments are ya co workers
Accountability ? As in don't shoot at police officers ? You're nothing but race baiters .
Ski mask. Fleeing a police stop. Firing a gun. Running. Does it really matter the race? Wtf people