South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff have announced North Korea has fired an unspecified ballistic missile towards the sea of Japan.
The launch of the missile follows the arrival of a US aircraft carrier in South Korea earlier in the week, which will conduct drills alongside the South’s military forces.
It comes ahead of a planned visit by US Vice President Kamala Harris to the republic next week.
Kamala Harris is going to South Korea 😂
For goodness sakes..She can't even put together a coherent sentence let alone conduct Foreign Policy…She may literally start a War…
We need Trump back
Those NK Commies really hate the fish and oceans …
They didn't want to fire into their own territory. It might have fallen on Pyongyang.
the little communist coxukker
drag him around the town square
wearing Borats mankini
until rigor mortis sets
Chinazis retarded nephew is being a W⚓ again.
Rocketman needs a handy j.
What's the deal with NK soldiers doing the goose 🦆 step? Takes a lot of energy and given they don't have a lot to eat, seems excessive.
Nk has no choice but to enhance its military capability in the face of US South Korea Japan constantly flexing its muscle at Nk doorsteps …
BULLSHIT…WAR/FEAR PORN…as per Usual !!! 👊👊👊…🙏🙌🙏
How many feet off the shore did it make it ? 15 🤣🤣
I don't even know what to say too this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣" Rocket man' is on the move 🇺🇲🇺🇲 such a funny lil guy 😁😁
Just Little Rocket Man celebrating his weekend.
The North Korean government is fuckin retarded
Spend less time rocketing and more on feeding 'ur people, punk
Why do you end a news like that in just 24 seconds??
Well, Everybody knows China and Russia North Korea are brothers… Even South Korea agree what are they doing and want to Join the communist army too.. if anybody notice?
We don't want the vp and neither do they…..shocker….
now lets attack japan my kim jeong un!
America are not making many friends
Send 10 back each time 👊🏼
is this a missile fired towards the Sea of Japan or is it a missile fired towards Japan that landed short in the Sea of Japan ?
not sure why anyone cares japanese gov owned tech companies as well as USA gov owned tech companies, been working as partners with NK government for over a decade now,, its why nothing ever happens, they are all friends in their daily lives, hence why NK government heads have taken holidays in USA, USA owned islands and Japan over the years, the only people suffering are the civilians caught up in this political WWE.
Modi just exposed Trudeau! YES!!!!!! Canada is being held hostage by the Khalistan terrorists! Jagmeet is the black mailer, Trudeau also working with Neo Nazi's as we discover Mr. Z in Ukraine who has hired the CIA to make hit lists and kill non-supporters! Trudeau, Freeland, Jagmeet, and Ms. May MUST GO! We know now what the hell is going on! The human trafficking ring if we fight will be reduced immensely! tell me is there any difference to listening to Trudeau right now and the Iranian leader? Identical!!! Trudeau like Biden is a sick in the mind PENITRATOR! The whole plan is to destroy Canada and make way for the never ending pouring in of violent extremists who I do not recognize a true Muslims! Our laws for islamophobia have been to protect terrorists even endangering real Muslims. This is all for the destruction of the white people, and for the insane debased pleasure of using our children for sex! No thanks to Bill Gates who I know now must be a pedophile, he is the one funding the Agenda to influencing the WEF, the WHO, which confuses information at the UN level!
they have rights to protect their country , if military exercise usa-Seul are not provocation then this ballistic missile is not provocation !
Kim Jong Un 👍👍👍👍💪💪💪🌟🌟🌟🌟 ….. try to poke him like you did in poor countries in middle east if you have a ball 😁😁
Is Joe going to leave the carrier there for Kim?
East sea
Us aircraft carrier arrived at south korea , and north Korea fire ballastic missile in sea of Japan 👀
Other countries, like the USA, should be using these missile launches as an opportunity to practice anti-missile systems. See how early they can nail it. Drop the missile just 100 m off the North Korean beach for safety (not hurting anyone) and to make a point.
Obviously the Russian trolls still have access to Sky, based on comments. Firing a ballistic missile days ahead of a scheduled military exercise is an intentional provocation. Any military exercise has exact and documented start and end dates/times, specific listed number of militia, weapons, equipment and exact location for the exercise. Anything else violates UNSC. It's not a joke, Russian trolls.
North korea 🇰🇵 💪
Great, because we didn't have enough things going on, and now those lunatics!
Fire another one. Got plenty of those things.
Yeah, so.
UN should stop supporting North Korea🚀
“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” Smedley D. Butler
🇰🇵 All the best to North Korea Supreme leader
Kim Jong-un, and all the good people of North Korea.
Biden pulled a gun on Kim Un and was like you’re gonna do what I tell you. Kim Un was like… you’re not the only one with a gun. And unlike your gun… this one works. To which Biden put his hands up and is like please don’t shoot me. I’ll do anything. Punk
We now find ourselves living in a world where the international rules based-order has been undermined by the decline of the US to such an extent that we will increasingly see stronger nations dominating and exploiting weaker ones. This has been the normal state of affairs for humanity for millennia but is difficult for us in the English speaking nations and, the Western world in general, to grasp after decades of peace and prosperity following the end of the second world war. We must change our thinking and make the necessary adjustments if we wish to ensure our own security in the decades ahead.
Australia's military is far too small to achieve the task required of it as it is vastly dwarfed in terms of numbers of personnel and equipment by all of its neighbours. This is the result of decades of underfunding and neglect by our politicians who prefer to focus on quality of lifestyle type issues at the expense of fundamental matters of existence. Enabling this strategic apathy and negligence is the misguided belief that US military power is nearly unlimited and globally dominant and that it would automatically come to the defence of Australia should any of her neighbours attack her.
The US is not obligated under the ANZUS Alliance to send troops or equipment to our aid in the event of an attack upon us. They are only obligated to engage in talks with us and nothing more.
As we have all seen, the US did not assist Ukraine, a fellow democracy, when it was invaded because it is not under any binding treaty-based obligation to do so. The Americans have chosen to delay dealing with the problem posed by the invasion of Ukraine choosing, instead, to send small quantities of largely outdated equipment, a clear indication of where their interests lie. It would not be surprising to see the US attempt to withdraw from NATO in the coming years (after 2024?).
We should not expect the US to do anything other than talk with us should we come under attack by a foreign power. Even if they did want to assist us they do not have the shipping capacity needed to move their forces and equipment here. The US President is not able to use the Defence Production Act to commandeer an international shipping line as all the big shipping lines are foreign-owned.
If Ukraine were a nuclear-armed state Russia would not have been able to invade it. Look at how the small nation of North Korea, with a population of 25 million, laughed off the US, a nation of more than 320 million, under President Trump, despite his threats of raining "fire and fury" down upon them. Now contrast that with what has been happening in Ukraine, a nation of 44 million, being crushed out of existence by Russia, a nation of 147 million and nuclear-armed. Consider now how Australia would fare against a nation of 300 million or 1.4 billion. Time to wake up!
What is clear, is that no one would risk attacking us if we were nuclear-armed. Better to prevent war than to try to prosecute one inflicted upon us. The way to maintain peace between nations is by the possession of nuclear weapons because these weapons rule out the possibility of war altogether.
Does anyone even pay any attention to this clown anymore 😂 🤡 He's like an overgrown baby! No one's assed Kim, do one 🤦♀️
Here we go again with the fear war mongering from the elite controlled media sky pretending to be the voice of reason.