President Joe Biden revealed the first image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a distant image that shows stars and galaxies as they appeared billions of years ago, the highest-resolution infrared view of the universe so far.
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#NASA #Telescope #Space
so they have a telescope that can see a lot of galaxies, but they can’t see Saturns Rocks ?????
They're Fireflies that got stuck in that big blueish, black thing.
I hope they find Yoda home soon
Biden thought they were viewing pictures from his recent colonoscopy.
This is fake
هذا خلق الله، فأروني ماذا خلق الذين من دونه
It's so amazing to look at this and think about the vastness of space…a universe expanding still at the speed of light.. it's naive to think that we are alone
What a waste of money, but, that's the government for you, spending 10 billion dollars on a telescope, screw the economy, let's look at space, what a joke
This is about as exciting as playing with a dead puppy
That’s our president folks. I’m so inspired. I’m ready to cry.
Fun fact: NASA stopped space exploration in 2011.
Imagine that picture is just a spec. The universe is just incomprehensible in size.
What difference does it make to my $7.00 a gallon gas price? When’s this gonna turn into a transporter and beam me to work and wherever?
Lmao, It's fake
Vou dar a letra…enquanto os EUA com sua Sonda New Horizon chega a Plutão nos confins da Via Lactea, o Telescópio James Webb fotógrafa as profundezas do Universo e a China da início a sua Viajem a Marte, aqui na porra dos quintos dos infernos chamado Brasil, se discute Lula x Bolsonaro Golpe X Democracia Direita X Esquerda…Somos mesmo nada, ou merda nenhuma, um Zé Povinho ridículo e patético Vergonha do Planeta, desperdício da Natureza!
Quando vejo a evolução e desenvolvimento de outros Povos, Nações e Sociedades como China Índia Japão EUA Alemanha…sinto uma profunda aflição e indignação na alma, no espirito em ser Brasileiro. Algo que me causa repulsa, vergonha e desprezo pela história de um Povo sem Brio, sem vontade, acomodado, que não Sonha, não Luta, não revoluciona e não Vive Plenamente de Verdade toda sua Potencialidade…Apenas nos contentamos em ser Merda Nenhuma…Que desperdício de Vida!
Que desgraça é a Sociedade Brasileira, seus preconceitos tolos, suas incoerências e Desgraças…não somos nada de relevante no mundo, mas insistimos em ser patéticos Incompetentes, ignorantes, estúpidos, sem Identidade própria, mesquinhos, arrogantes, intolerantes, idiotizados, conformistas e irrelevantes, enfim somos uma vergonha para a raça humana… e por toda essa omissão, nem sequer deveríamos existir!
Votar corretamente com responsabilidade e não ter que escolher nem Lula nem bolsonaro também é inteligência! Escolha o melhor para o nosso País! Agora é Ciro12, conheça pesquise e compare o projeto Nacional de Desenvolvimento Soberano Tenologico Industrial Educacional Ecologico e Estrategico para uma mudança de verdade unindo a sociedade num grande programa economico socio politico com rebeldia e esperança, pois mudança de fato se faz com coragem e inteligência Viva o PND 🍀✊️🇧🇷
Space is such a mess! Time for America to clean it up🇺🇸🖖
Look at the Creation of God, certainly wasn’t made aimlessly, Praise Allah
I can stare at this picture for hours…n never be bored…there's soo much to see.. im in such awe…
Very nice images Allah is the great
The Heavens declare the glory of God
I’m sure your top secret and classified folder are already full of photos you won’t show the public. I hope James Webb gets destroyed. You don’t deserve to know since you don’t share the important information with the public.
I have a blanket that has that same print.
TIC-TOKERS will be angry with you
A glimpse at the wonder of God. He is unlimited.
It is mind blowing ancient images ever captured in histody of space. Cluster of hundred of galaxies of early universe.
We are in age of new astronomy. It opened new window to our universe. It is just beginnin.
Thanks JWST and thanks for NASA, ESA and CSA.
china is bad space China is a bad Technology
Biden is a twit
You don’t own Webb telescope it’s a joint venture not only the u.s
Gotta love science!
I used to have countertops like that in a old house I rented back in the day.
God is so great!
CGI, cgi, CGI, cgi
But they can’t even zoom in on the moon. This is all BS.
Literally makes zero sense. The light has not been traveling for 13b years. It all started at the same point of origin according to the “Big Bang.” And then how many billions of years did it supposedly take for those galaxies to form? And it’s all traveling away from itself faster than the speed of light? How then did the light of the galaxy reach us? And why aren’t we seeing the Big Bang if we are seeing 13b year old light? And if the universe is expanding at faster than the speed of light, then that means we are moving at that speed, which goes against Einsteins theory of light travel. All bunk.
Not sure if the public understands how amazing this telescope is, the deeper in space the crazier photos we will see, other new planets, possibly life, in great quality !
Exciting !