A toddler was killed and more than 60 people were injured by softball-sized hail raining down in Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia, according to local media.
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#Spain #Hail #Storm
Global warming!
Damn, mother Earth is trying hard to get rid of us humans. With all these natural disasters lately.
Géo ingénierie climatique…
He kills innocent children….but, you still worship Him….SMH….
Boy under umbrella still enjoy meal
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It was wonderful experience with maskoffweb they were swift and my balance increased without any errors
Oooo no!! To the Mother, I feel your pain. God bless you, dear.
Exodus 20:1-17KJV
Bro how was a child in that
So sad
And everyone in Iowa and Wisconsin are like, ya, whatever… hold my beer
Nos lo merecemos
Thumbs up? 😫😫😫😫😫😫 Poor baby and parents. ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️