CNN’s Zain Asher discusses how Black Britons with African ancestry are reacting to Queen Elizabeth’s death considering the monarch’s history of colonization. #CNN #News
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1st statement absolutely nailed my feelings she's was an outstanding woman she will be the most adored queen. Those that can't see what she did not what the government did. She had no real power. Colonialism is a government thing not a monarch. Action.
Leave it to us Americans to make it a race issue
this "news" is a fucking joke
These people wiped out an entire race the indigenous people of Tasmania who were black they enslaved author black people and work them to death they killed people of color and colonized their land destroyed ancient artifacts pertaining to people of color and strip the land of all of its resources and refuse to pay reparations for any of the demonic evil savagery that they have committed against other human beings anybody of color mourning for any one of these people are out of their damn mind these people are rude savages towards people of color and demonic in nature and history proves it
The level of ignorance in this interview is truly unbelievable.
It's a natural death apart from that I would have called it a revenge for our ancestors. Just don't expect us to mourn we don't care
With refrence to "British empire's experiment of colonialism" is profoundly incorrect. British Empire practiced/practiceses clonialism for centuries and depleted the entire world by stealing their wealth in every way possible. As a result they built their nation and lives, so called advanced and civil society.
1 person doesn't speak for all lol it would be like having a KKK member speaking for white Americans or a isis member speaking for all
Lizzy finally did something productive.
Can I ask where you get your facts from ? Seriously clueless miss Information just see the 14hr wait to pay respects to the Queen multi cultural every religion represented from all over the world "the commonwealth experiment" WTF 54 countries that choose to be members many of which have never had the queen as head of state but see the commonwealth as a group of nations working with each other.
Barbados is now republic but still a member of the commonweath group of nations .
Didn't the UK use colonialism to end slavery in a lot of places?
Yeah the british abolished the slavery – that showes how evil the british empire was. I am shocked about how liberalas try to rewrite history.
Before I respond to a few replies ,I first comment on how much I respect what this beautiful black polite and respectful women says.Yes it is time for morning the late queen who once reigned over a kingdom that the sun never set ,many of cruel things were done to people in order to maintain the grip on the kingdom colonies ,she may not had said what all she felt sprinking sugar over it to sweeten the facts.Yes through tradition and respect mostly good words are spoken over the dead,She gave her respect and told of her feeling which I saw nothing wrong with what she said and yes since I'm not British my feeling can be different expected but l do have respect for the British people and country as well as the late queen.I didn't like how Diana was treated among things mention by this black women and I said nothing against the late Queen of England my she rest in peace.
This woman is as thick as a whale sandwich.
If it wasn't for the queen/monarchy, she wouldn't have that lovely accent.
No it’s not complicated either like her or piss off, if you haven’t got a good opinion no one cares.
Ofcourse our history is dark, but we shouldn't smear the future with it. Remember that the Empire and Commonwealth did a lot of good things. Britain was a spearhead in the abolishment of slavery, and also in the industrial revolution, along with its innovations moving forward.
All this is about is what people can get out of it. If it isn't, then Italy owes reparations to millions for the Roman Empire, Egypt owes millions for the slaves it owned also, so does the Ottoman Empire, along with the Greeks etc etc.
Arguably the wealthiest and most privileged person in human history was a 14th century black African Emperor called Mansa Musa. His ridiculous fortune would today be in the realms of 4-600 billion dollars. He had a personal entourage of around 12,000 slaves, wherever he went.
Shall we call on his people to pay reparations also?
There are simply too many chips on too many shoulders, and they're all fuelled by financial gains and fake outrage.
Move forward to make our futures better, don't dwell on the past to hold us back.
Prosperity&inclusion gen Z we’re here
Queen Elizabeth ll
Queen Elizabeth ll passed away on the 8th of September, two days after, as Monarch Head of State, appointed Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister of Great Britain. The Queen received the new PM on the 6th, in Balmoral Castle, Scotland, with a beaming smile and a dignified posture, even at the age of 96. The same smile she had when in 1947 she was married to Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh at the age of 21.
With the Queen's demise the world is left with a pall of gloom. Many have mixed feelings, others recollect the bitterness of the British colonial era.
I am no fan or follower of royalty, but Queen Elizabeth ll was an epitome of royal grace and dignity. With her death, the shine of royalty mystique has become blurred.
RIP Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth ll.
If you are black, you live in the UK, and you hate the UK, then leave the UK !
If you are white, you live in the UK, and you hate the UK, then leave the UK !
If you are brown, you live in the UK, and you hate the UK, then leave the UK !
If you are anyotherskincolour, you live in the UK, and you hate the UK, then leave the UK !
Speaking as a British born minority with my roots in India, my family and myself have always loved the queen and the beautiful country we now live in. We don’t bring race up in public or in any real life situation, never play the race card or the colonial sympathy card or any rubbish like that, we’ve made a huge effort to integrate into British society and culture as everyone should. despite the racism my parents endured as recently as 40 years ago in the UK, theres no point in hanging on to such negative memories and experiences from the past.
It’s a shame that so many young spoiled British minorities are speaking up on matters of history which haven’t directly affected them. They want a world with no racism, yet bring it up all the time and try to make white people feel guilty about their lineage. I feel very sorry for the white youth of today who are reminded all the time about the past which they had nothing to do with. Good people of this day and age are very welcoming and non racist, there will always be a minority of racist people and racial instances going forward at least for another 20 years or so, perhaps forever, but that doesn’t mean we should hold resentment. Reality is now that talented white people are being overlooked in jobs across all sectors to increase diversity which I think is terrible, people with no or little experience getting senior roles in many arts based industries such as music and film simply because they are a minority/lgbtq/female or all 3 combined. This sort of movement is going to plunge the UK into decline.
Some Young Minorities today have a rancid sense of entitlement and feel things should be given to them on the basis of colonial and racist past. To those people I say fuck off back to your ancestors country if you’re so unhappy, because any minority who lives in the UK – a nation which gave our parents so many opportunities which they worked so hard to earn and to give us, their kids, the best life possible at the sacrifice of building up from the ground and enduring real racism and hardship – ought to respect the position they are in now instead of complaining and slagging off the monarchy and crying over spilt milk and petty social insecurities.
Reality is that all of these minority snowflakes wouldn’t survive in their parents countries where they would have to deal with issues on all levels, with racism being the least of their concerns. So many British minorities are weak natured and easily upset who take everything their parents worked for and everything the UK has provided them for granted, yet none of them would have the bottle or guts to go back to Nigeria or India or wherever cos they know they’d barely survive.
It is funny to say The black woman crtcise the Monarch and quern to her colonised country while she still is in white colour person wigs and tried to be crtical about the monarch.loool. look at yourself….wearing a wig like and hiding your own matural hair worst than the B.monarchy??? I don't think so. She is funny.
Change the record.
CNN embraces racist division at all levels
How many people died for her to be Queen?😢 HISTORY
Thank you Zain Asher
Meanwhile in America everyone is watching the slow death of CNN.
Maybe you'd have a better quality of life living in Nigeria compared to the UK? This woman talks utter nonsense…but then again, its CNN.