Perpetrators of racist mass shootings have cited this far-right conspiracy theory as motivation, but its ideas are also echoed by mainstream politicians in the US and Europe.
Watch outr explainer video to find out the history and the goals of the movement.
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DW did you forget to mention what happens with trust in a society, when those coming are not secular and doesnt integrate? No? The science is clear on this, what is your agenda?
And what if it was true? Still doesn't justify murder. And so your point is moot. Two birds. One stone
– mass "bringing in" of outsiders
– diversity hires
– mass loss of jobs for citizens
"jUsT a ConSpiRacY tHeoRy!"
this documentary pops up days after the shooting on the London pub in Oslo. Why do I have the feelings it's meant to divert my attention from a much more real, pressing problem beginning with an I….
It shouldn't be called a "Theory".
Its also not "Great"
The fact that governments ignore or deride the factual affects of large scale immigration makes the whole conversation laughable.
It's not a theory if it's true
I went on a long ride recently, and about 50% of the couples were interracial. Marx and Engels were wrong in their solutions to the problems of the capitalist elite – but I really don't think that they were wrong in their analysis.
The fact that the narrator's voice is like the one of that fish, Klaus, from American Dad series helps to make this video more of a joke.
Sure, "forced interbreeding" sounds bad, but do you know what sound worse? "Forced inbreeding".
How about DW News would aknowledge how much progressives have actually fed this crazy belief by advocating for immigration apparently without rhyme or reason and then expecting that so many of these "immigrants of color" would vote for them even though their believes and values don't allign with progressivism at all.
What ? No deactivate it comments ??? O ! No it OK wen the Left say it and celebrate but wen Right Wing do it O MY GOD IT CONSPIRACY THEORY…….AND IT NOT TRUE !!!
DW running scared
In this case i want to quote Helmut Schmidt. He said to much immigration disturbs the social peace of a country. Willy Brandt said in the 1970ties quote" I have stopped the immigration because the social peace of Germany is disturbed. You guys can look it up. Both said it in in a interview. Both were Chancellor in Germany and they knew what they were talking about. What did they mean by these statements? Well the wages of workers get under pressure when you get cheaper workers. That is the whole answer to this conspiracy. They dont want to eliminate a race. They want to get rid of expensive wages. First it was the Turkish workers. Then the Italians. Then the Pols and now it is the Africans. Nothing new. No racism just profit.
Don't believe your lying eyes.
As a Candian citizen, I feel like elections in both Canada and the US feel more and more rigged. Maybe this theory could be one of the many factors involved in making me feel this way about North Amerian politics. Btw don't even try to bring Mexico into this conversation
A lot of whites have a distain for raising children and would rather play cod and travel. I'm just confused how that's my fault lol
European nations belong to Europeans. If discussing this reality and right is demonized and censored, it will be reestablished in other ways.
DW News = far-left propganda
The facts are the governments of the world do not want armed citizens. You can't control millions of people armed to the teeth. I'd say these are 90% conspiracy and 10% theory. Every single one of them including 911.
Very interesting comment section.
You're not being replaced.
You're just obsolete.
Its not a conspiracy if its bloody true! our government are happy to import millions and millions of foreigners into europe without any care as to what damage its causing.
Why are you trying to sound sexy narrating this?? Horrible job Antonio banderas
The gunman in Buffalo was a radical leftist that claimed loyalty to the Democratic socialist party..
Its math not s conspiracy
well… in the Mediterrenean and particulary in Italy people from all over have been mixing for at leat 4000 years. I really don't get how people can think that now that's different, especially in countries such as Italy, Spain, France or Greece.
The demographic shift is extremely real
So, what's the difference between this and Israel's fear of Palestinian "demographic realities"?
I say we give Fox News what they want let's replace them
I'd hate for them to be liars
So Europeans are being replaced in every country they ever founded and built, the media is constantly celebrating this phenomenon but when we bring it up we are dangerous terrorists ? Nice try ADL.
In France, there is no such thing as Mexican/French, or African/french. You are either French, or you are not! Germany, Brittan, and Japan are the same way. Even in Mexico, you are not something/Mexican, you are Mexican or you are not. We should all be American. You either are, or you are not!
Well, even the center-left supports anti-immigrant policy! They support militarism that causes millions to lose their lives, homes, etc., and then pay warlords to put immigrants in camps or isolate them in remote islands.