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I got a antibody test done with my friend a couple of days ago, I got covid in 2020 and I have a very high levels of antibodies. My friend got his shots when they were available and he was had covid 3 times, he has no antibodies to speak of. We were both extremely surprised considering he caught the virus and got his shots..
Do your own research.
Can we hear from a Credible Impartial Doctor that's not on Trudeau's payroll or list of Minions! 😒
How about 5th 6 th
this guy is really smart listen to him carefully 2 is one bigger than 1, 3 is one more than 2 and 4 is one more that 3 this guy uses simple logic
My mom’s longterm care home delivered the 4th booster to its residents. A week later 45/46 all got covid. Antibody Dependant Enhancement (ADE).
Fertility problems in men and woman going through the roof. Just Say No.
The only thing I need to know is that Dr Robert Malone, one of the men who invented MRNA vaccines, warns against this.
Remember by getting your 12038213811237102th dose you're protecting. (LOL)
These crazy folks want you to get two more shots this year….how many are they gonna push next year
It seems….may….might …..could…..looks like….probably…..
All the Russian trollbots are in full force I see.
I don’t think this guys advice is going to age well.
🔥 baby burn
Lake of fire 🔥
govern me harder daddy! more more more, and now more!
Main thing to know is don't get it because it doesn't help
Makes you sick …
I'm triple boosted and have caught COVID numerous times, but I'm grateful for the protection my 5 shots have provided. 😂🤣
Noone wants these jabs. I have natural immunity. Leave me alone!!!!!
i dont need to know nothing about shots ! i never took any and never will !
I am getting the feeling that Blackface really wants covid mandates back.
I have none and am fine wake up freaks
Bogus 19 won't hurt you but the needles will
We keep boostering, the virus comes back with an adapted mutation … maybe time to change strategy and to spend more on developing working therapeutic methods?
Have you given informed consent?
5.3.6 cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse event reports
Haven't gotten any of the shots and I never got the vid. And as a correctional officer and registered Massage Therapist I've been exposed alot. Just saying.
big pharma and gvt. working well together to keep you safe for the next 5 years
Tv doctor spreading conspiracy theory that vaccines protect against severe disease and death.
No vax and suprize suprize… never got covid, this is a joke
You’ve all been hoodwinked, wake up!
Whose genius idea was it to mass vaccinate during a pandemic?
Eff Bogoch he is a paid shill by the pharmaceutical mafia !
To answer the headline – Nothing
Mark Steyn – Victims of the Vax Special go look at that …
This guys still touting nonsense?! He loves the camera eh?!
who’s greasing his pockets?
wouldn’t want him near me in any medical setback.
These idiots can get a booster everyweek if they want to!
They seem to have more protection
Leave the kids alone
So what is actually in these Vaccines they are forcing you to take 4?? Lol 😂
I am unvaxxed for Covid. I have died like 5 times already. 💀
Reminds me of a used car salesman….