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Correct, Neil, get political lose your audience. Few ever do this well. Except maybe Frank Sinatra who was famously Discarded by the Kennedy's in America (all those years ago)….Yet, Frank Never mentioned this EVER! Not a word….Brilliant come back. Respect left in tack. Ah, the good ole days….🤣
Too bad Emma didn't know…silence is golden
Thanks, Neil!
I grew up with Basil Brush!! Boom boom!! Remember watching the one with Cila Black, she was my favourite, I loved the Cila Black Show!
Careful Neil, you’re showing your age.. Name all the old, old actors..
I completely agree!!!!
Dear Hollywood…..just entertain me & other wise STFU!! Thank you
I watch movies for entertainment. If I want a lecture I'll watch a documentary.
She is a good actress. Word of advice Emma just stick to the day job.
leftist luvvie………..patronising us little english peoples who only care abt tea and cakes………..thanks love looks like u gonna be eating lots of the humblest of humble karma pie………im def on board for that………AHOY!!!!!!!!!
Great video, Neil 🙂 I don't understand why anyone would assume they could get away with giving us advice on how to help this planet when obviously in today's world we would know that they're speaking word salad! They're doing the old "do as I say, not as I do" and completely underestimate us when they assume we don't know they fly around in private jets, etc.!!!
These woke “social justicy” type actresses (actors) started getting a permanent “angry”, harried look to them that really takes away the charming, kind look they had on the screen. Comes from the inside out, so Botox doesn’t correct it. Sad.
I cannot watch Emma Thompson anymore – she doesn't act – every single character is the same! She's just an over privileged woman that thinks she knows best.
Bon Bon uncle Neil ,,, she was so hypocritical flying in out preaching I wouldn’t watch see cross the road to see this evil women people needed to get to places hospital family but couldn’t because of these idiots who want to have a fun day out do it in a out of city’s selfish lot
Stick to just acting Emma!!!
I can't abide the sanctimonious, arrogant Emma Thompson. If she's in it, I won't watch it.
Meryl Streep here in the USA is another.
I remember basil. Wow.
You know when one looks at their photos or sees something on YouTube. It triggers memories – neurones – in your brain, to fire at the rate they did when you were there. Bringing happy feelings. Isn’t that awesome. A bit like basil, memories came flooding back that made me feel good 👍
First of all, the word "woke" means alert to injustice in society, especially racism. You keep misusing this word, or your admitting to being a racist. Secondly, why would you think that someone who gives their opinion to a reporter who asked, is somehow forcing that opinion down your throat? It's just their opinion.
Hi Neil 😁👋👋👋definitely have to be careful what we say…oh my basil brush lol 😂 yes I remember them all and don’t forget bag puss lol 😂 magic roundabout lol 😂 we’re showing our age now 😁your news …I’m surprised the film didn’t take off Emma is great actress but then I agree really be good if we didn’t have to listen to politics from anyone in the world of film or at all…give me a old cowboy and Indian film anyway ever Neil 👋toodle pip
Like always from Australia 🇦🇺🦘👍
They forget their money came from common folk watching their films and paying outrages money to do so. I haven't been to the movies since Grease
This is one issue ‘we’ the great ‘unwashed’ need to take some responsibility for. It is us that have given these often unremarkable people, the sense that they are so important, that they have something to say and we are more than willing to listen. Our politicians are often not fit for purpose so we are left craving for some leadership and honesty.
I can’t quite remember when we all began hanging on every celebrity’s word, but maybe Live Aid could’ve been the beginning. A worthy cause and great achievement, but, how I wish it had ended there. Now, every actor, singer, entertainer has a ‘platform’ from which they spew their nonsense. It has now become commonplace: creating platforms and building one’s ‘brand.’ If only they stopped to listen to us, instead of churning out more well meaning tosh…they’d see we’ve all left the room. No one is listening anymore. 😕
"Shut up and sing!"
Whether they are actors, athletes, the Pope or businesses–they SHOULD STAY in their field and keep mum about politics.
Neil didn't you know if you are looking fo a certain object you actually look for something else instead and you end up finding the thing you were looking for and so much more. 😁
Most professionals know to (and do) keep their personal political opinions to themselves and share them in private and at the voting polls, not on camera. Actors are becoming increasingly unprofessional in this way – blurring the boundaries between their private and public lives and forgetting that we, the public/the viewers, are like their clients or patients or customers. This is largely why I do not watch any awards shows… they are the worst for this.
Just a quickie note – Basil Brush is adorable but I’ve never heard of him over here in the US. I would have loved to hear your conversation with him that made you laugh!!!! 👍👍. Basil made my day😄
Actors, athletes, etc. should just keep to what they do best and keep their mouths shut.
I am 63 and remember basil brushe
Hi Neil.
What about Mighty Mouse and Pinky and Perky..
Once again Neil Smashing show.
I’m posting this without having done any research, because..well.. I’m on holiday & wifi is a bit hit n miss. Lol. So please correct me if I’m totally talking rubbish.
Didn’t Marilyn Monroe publicly affiliate herself with politicians & presidents? Were they from the same political side?
And to make it more relevant on a time scale, Arnie became the gov of Cali. He took a break from acting at the time, but since then he has done some pretty decent films that have done well in the cinema. Bearing in mind that they aren’t the high adrenaline films of earlier as he isn’t the young action man he was before becoming governor.
The difference is that, unless a reporter got a proper f2f interview with the stars of glamorous Hollywood of yesteryear, and asked the right questions, no ones political views were heard. Now we have 16000 different social media platforms to air our views on, & I guess that celebs feel that if something is important to them, they can get the subject noticed on a more international level & spark a wider volume of conversation & support. I hate to say it, but most of us around the world probably never heard of Roe v Wade & therefore not understood the new ruling unless MegaBane had got involved & was splashed all over every media platform out there. Ok. You still have to pay attention to other news stories about it & do a little deeper research to get the full implications of the ruling, but that stems from MegaBane voicing her (very limited & fact free) opinion.
Everyone has a political & social opinion & I don’t agree that a persons job should dictate whether they are allowed to voice it. Perhaps we should say all emergency services staff & milk men shouldn’t be allowed to voice their opinions too. I believe, as long as they don’t cry about the consequences, there should be no harm. However I do understand & empathise with how it may affect new, younger actors & actresses. That should be something the ‘speaker’ thinks a little more on before they undertake any kind of activism or support.
Emma who?
👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 Happy 5th to you Neil
You are right Neil!
Loved Basil Brush as a kid and yes, Kung Phooey… lol. Thx for the memories
I’m about 95% tuned out of the entertainment and sports industries and it’s all because of their politics. I’m doing just fine without them thank you. I can do without them, they can’t exist without me, maybe they will figure that out at some point.
There’s a line from an old TV show about knowing too much of what goes on behind the scenes when the cameras are off: “Thank you for the look behind the tinsel. I was happier with the tinsel.” That’s how I feel about actors. I don’t want to know about their private lives. I just want to enjoy the movie.
Edited to add: Same goes for bands and singers. Just let me enjoy the music.
We like actors & musicians. We despise most politicians. It should be easy to figure out. I can't imagine why Meghan thinks politics are the way to go. Isn't her popularity plummeting quickly enough?
Neil you look even better these days than you did back then.
These Hollyweird people think they can do anything just because they act for a living and are seen everywhere so they think they have influence. No way, Jose! They haven’t the slightest what it takes to be someone in politics. Emma seems like a sweet lady and I really enjoy all her movies but she needs to stick to what she knows best, acting and not lobbying.
Telling others how to live is not popular
What a bunch of hyocrites You don't care about Emma Thompson! Do you honestly believe that all these people care about what you think? Doubt it very much!