Celebrities including Kim Kardashian and Kevin Hart are being called out for wasting water amid a record drought in Southern California. Other Hollywood A-listers are reportedly using more than 14 times their monthly water allotment to fill their pools or water their lawns. NBC News’ Gadi Schwartz has the details.
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#NBCNews #Drought #KimKardashian
Wasting water. Private jets. Endless contributions towards plastic usage, etc, etc These people aren’t celebrities they are evil selish entitled people
Imma start buying water 🥴
Why only mention the celebrities? I'm sure the many billionaires in silicon valley are to blame also.
So sad actually sometimes.. human forget a word that's true
Rich or poor doesn't matter the water wars are coming 2025
Move to Romania
What a joke, celebs have been doing these things for years overusing all natural resources for their pleasure, it's about time people woke up and see whos causing global warming
This is a wich hunt… 2000 ppl were warned, 4 famous people where part of those and got public for some news
Wonder is Tom Selleck and wife are stealing water again for their avacods
How media know that and how stustyy source always umm
If celebrity need water .. they gonna buy any way
What do you mean "how do you get them to comply"? This is eco terrorism lock them up. The Earth is DYING wake up!!
God help California.
Hey Celebrities, Australia doesn't want you, nor does New Zealand. Stay in the bed you made please, thank you.
There is plenty water in world
Dude, why should they have private functional pools when the whole entire county is trying to save water? And they should be using fake grass… That'll save them loads of water. And maybe shower for shorter periods of time instead of all those fancy baths.
You do realize it’s not like they are spending extra time in the shower right? they have 1 or more pools on their property, combined with water features, sprinklers, etc. the only solution is for them to disable everything. But why should they? They pay over 1000 times in tax what the average person does, yet consume 5x more water. The government of California, should’ve spent the many of stolen dollars in tax implanting an external water system decades ago. However they are too busy ensuring that every politician gets to charter their private jets to meetings they could’ve had over a zoom call, or spending hundreds of thousands on political parties while they laugh at inflation numbers
Plant more trees in california, no wonder yall have no water
Hey guys I have an idea maybe we should I don't know shut off the water system
Yall realize that we don't have water in California because of farmers here force grow crops like Avacados year round that require extreme amounts of water because of the heat. It's not really citizens or celebrities faults we're in a drought.
Hmmm people warned y’all about that drought on the west don’t come east plz and thank you
Make the fine 100 million dollars
Kevin Heart doesn’t even need that much bath water.
They can afford the fines, they don't care.
Water grounded 😤
So having millions of dollars no longer makes you special.
Access to water is the new flex
America is a shithole country wow
Cut their water service. Those celebs have so much money a mere 500,000 ticket won’t do anything
Screw lawns, you can have nice landscaping without them
Dumb news
Matured trees dont need watering 😶
There’s a drought in California?!
Wow the Kardashians are scummy. From the jet usages to this. These people are faker than there booty yall. Quit supporting them
Uhhh are you guys actually serious? Its laughable to think these celebrities will change, so please dont waste your time lol, seriously.
These people work harder than anyone, they deserve all the water
California stupid. It’s been raining everyday over here in the east. You fools should just move.
You need to use the seawater ASAP
The seawater will rise anyway maybe if we use it it's slowing down the rising of seawater
How about stop illegally genetically modifying the earth. Search Dane wigington expose illegal toxic geo engineering and expose the devil government
Watch the news in 50 years .. or sooner
Title reads “HOW CELEBRITIES WILL BE THE DEATH OF US”, you tune in into an episode where there’s water shortage in the world, people haven’t showered for months, and have been collecting drained rain to make ends meet and not die of dehydration😂…
I say fine them, and throw in some community service!!
They will just get their hand slapped, nothing will be done
This world better get a grip! Water is the most valuable thing on this planet
Why don’t they just shut down the water to their mansions when they reach the allocated limit?
Imagine what the non famous wealthy elite are doing. It’s pretty much rich people versus the poor here
I guess these rich people aren’t smart enough to understand their riches can’t buy water when the water itself is gone. Holy heck!
Reduced water usage is going to be a problem
I don't see how you can put the same water restrictions on a person with a 1/4 acre lot as someone with a 14 acre property. Stallone has 500 mature trees on site! That's a national park in his backyard!! Should he let his green trees die if he can afford to water? I am not saying it's right, but if the wealthy are willing to pay a premium let 'em.