No injuries were reported after a magnitude 3.9 earthquake hit Liechtenstein while Parliament debated earthquake insurance.
RELATED: Earthquake rips through northern region of the Philippines
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#Earthquake #CaughtOnCamera #Liechtenstein
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Just want to know, where did God show up? That's definitely not a coincidence!
They been fracking in lick stein?
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Mother Nature said “I am in attendance! Tread lightly motherfuckers” 🤔😂
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Zarah effect random.hiiiiiiii.nasa and elon.see to earthquake in socotra 1 sept 2022.scaryyyyy.serammmmm
Nasa near texas was shake too 2 sept 2022.serammmm
Scaryyy.why this happen in right time when there is debate?i want you to know that earthquake can be predicted.all money in swiss bank cant buy love.we can predict earthquake .amazing.zarah effect random
Hehe.just a little shake shake.coolllll
You can't stop my God homie! Lol 🤣