Tamara Lich, who has been facing up against the wrath of law enforcement for her role in organizing the Freedom Convoy, will remain behind bars until at least July 8. The judge presiding over her case is reserving his decision until this Friday at 1:30 pm ET.
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#RebelNews #FreedomConvoy #TamaraLich
Trudeau should be in jail.
Dox the Judge
Dox the prosecutor
Dox the homicide detective
Dox the RCMP supervisors
Make every last one of them answer to the public face to face
Of course the Ottawa Police sent Homicide cops ; because she murdered the reputation of : Ottawa City, police, OPP, RCMP, NDP and LPC specifically including Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh 🤓
They are testing the public's reaction. Wait until this gets worse, then they will see the public's true reaction. Look out for moles people, they are everywhere. Organize and march!!! We have the right to protest.
Tamara Lich is a powerful icon & voice of freedom & integrity = the geshtapo of Trudy Castreau is TERRIFIED OF GRANDMOTHERS
This was just a pretext to stop her from speaking at Canada Day festivities. She's a political prisoner.
CDN government training Nazis in UKRAINE know acting like them on its own citizens !
Where are the Mp's like Pierie Pollivie why are they not speaking out about this un just crime
Canada seems more like China or Russia at the moment.
What is her lawyer doing?
They pay lots of money to those cops to enjoy travelling for no reason.
Seizing a Canada flag wow trudooo needs to be arrested now no if ands or butts period
With police brutality like this now makes them NOBODY'S over paid gun carrying security guards why cause because security guards dont take or sign an oath to respect other humans there job is only to follow dictatorship orders
The police are nothing more than the jack boots for politician's. Most have difficult enough jobs and don't want to do some of what is asked of them but they feel they have to do it anyway. If I was paid that much I might do it too. They will be the ones that we call on to testify when the brass at CSIS, the RCMP, local police forces and DND end up in tribunals and most likely jail. The politicians that gave the orders will be going away with most of the people at the tops of these organizations. I can't think of any premiers or members of federal or provincial parliament who shouldn't spend a long time in prison for their actions of the last two years alone. At least in a fair and just world that would be the case. We can hope.
So disgracful to see our country following dictates rather than law.
The "Police Convoy" protesting Canada day and liberties for the world to see. They've successfully embarrassed themselves.
Who is the one initiating this? Trudeau, the spoilt brat himself? If there were any investigative journalists left they would persist until it was revealed.
Turdeau is trying to become the Enema of the People. And they should sure unload on him.
Potlical prisoner
Courts have been weaponized by political parties to specifically target citizens who challenge their authority. Judge are pro government and politically biased. Judges are paid by the government therefore a judge must protect the governments interests with extreme biases.
Trudeau has made Tamara a bona fide Martyr.
If Canadians haven’t had a cold chill go down their back given the outcome of the truckers protest and the Tamara event then they aren’t paying attention.
Strong men make good times, good times make weak men,
weak men make hard times, and then hard times make strong men.
@16:30 "a civil rights problem" to which I add… if it can be given it can be taken away.
A civil right(granted) is less than a right(inherent). Lack of knowledge is one of the largest problems in a war against totalitarianism. God created man. Man created government. Government created the citizen. A man has rights. A citizen has civil rights. A man has a right to face his/her accuser. There is no Mr/Mrs. Government to sit on the witness stand to show the court the harm, injury or loss. No victim = no crime. The Canadian legal/justice system is being manipulated to serve a totalitarian mindset. Government is a tool meant to serve the peoples… not the few… the elite. My grandfather served the Canadian Armed Forced honorably for 48 years. He told me "Those in uniform set the example!". If the rules are not applied equally they are meaningless. What kind of example are they setting for the next generation. Complex times we live in.
Keep the great reports coming.
Stay safe, stay health.
As a truck driver they also ruined her chances of ever crossing the border to work.
Didn’t Libs bring a controversial terrorist back to India with them. I remember Sophie Trudeau getting a picture with him. Why didn’t they arrest her for that? It was very offensive to the East Indian people.
Ezra Levant…the Rebel Commander 👍🏻
Correction Tamara did not embarrass Trudeau. As usual Trudeau embarrassed himself on the international stage.
I would not have thought something like this could happen in Canada but here it is. I am really sorry to see this.
17:30 no, these aren't failures. you said it yourself. they are all in cahoots. is it any wonder there is biased coverage, no justice, no law enforcement? these are not failures, they are the hallmarks of a certain kind of muscled take over. the signs have been here for years. now they should be ringing alarm bells in anyone's heads that has only seen a documentary about 1939, let alone read a book. never forget was a slogan for a reason. too many don't even know what to not forget, or even spit on the memory, because they are begging for it's harsh lessons. hard times make strong men.
Well put, just goes to show us all how low and shallow you have to be for the judge and laws are made for you.
If the so-called Ottawa cops are not following the law that they are handsomely paid to do, they need to be systematically sacked for non-compliance of terms of employment – paid to enforce the LAW. Further to this, if they are paid by the state and operate outside of the law, does that not make them mercenaries and therefore, criminals?
the Canadian injustice system under the pos Justin trudop
I'm an American and I wonder about what has happened to the Canadian government and police! Don't they have real crimes to solve? It's so obvious that Tamara is not a danger to anyone!!! I have listened to her and she is a wonderful human being who cares about others. Thank you for reporting!
Liberals are using her freedom or lack there of to tempt her supporters to protest, perhaps even react to police instigation… they need that moment to escalate their tyranny.
If Canadians believe and think that there has been no interference by the PMO or Attorney General in this case, you are delusional!
The over the top political persecution of Tamara is a deliberate attempt to intimate all Canadians.
It’s so disturbing to say the least We must not forget pat king and other truckers who are still in jail. I am so sad for Canada
Support constable Erin Howard. Whitby courthouse on July 15. 8:30am 605 Rossland Rd E Whitby ON L1N 0B7. There will be a convoy to a local park for a picnic with free food. (I have a permit for picnic at park). She stud up for you, now it’s time we all stand up for her.