Both the Chancellor and the Health Secretary have resigned from Boris Johnson’s Government. In his letter, Rishi Sunak declared “we cannot continue like this”. This came just minutes after Mr Johnson was forced into a humiliating apology over appointing the disgraced MP Chris Pincher as Tory deputy chief whip – after he’d been told of misconduct allegations against him. That, said Mr Johnson, had been a mistake.
Amid a growing backlash from the Conservative benches – how many more will decide they’ve lost confidence in his leadership?
Something happened to the uk and American population in 2016 to make them dumb enough to vote incompetent liars with ridiculous hair into power despite the obvious warning signs
"We in our party, we are loyal". But above all we are homophobes. Had it been a sexual misconduct of a woman, – it wouldn't have had any consequences.
Wonderful Boris Johnson, Mr. Clingon, stay there bozo, you are single handedly destroying the Tories, and I bet you will cause a referendum to get rid of the Windsors aka losers
To those who voted for him and were surprised and appalled by his actions, you have not been paying attention!!
If you vote for clowns, expect a circus
How can that fool sunak resign, he caused hyperinflation.
Keep Boris
Oh what a circus. They resign now after the "covid" plan.Any money made lads?
Boris a bien senti, qu'il ne pèsera pas lourd devant ces détracteurs
Alors il a déclaré son éviction en personne
Il a tourné au coin de la rue et on ne l'a plus revu
Clap de fin!!
Channel 4 helped create this mess running propaganda for Johnson through the last election. There's no opposition now so Tories can pass leadership around.
So glad he's gone. You didn't get us Brexit ,Theresa May did the graft and u settled. You and your party did party gate etc. Glad your gone your school boy narcissism caught up with you in the end. Ta ta.
Isn't Rees-Mogg the man CAUGHT SLEEPING in PARLIAMENT? Why is he in charge of ANYTHING?
What a monster.
Shite sturer that one snake in the grass is tricky Ricky been after Boris Johnsons job for a long time stay Boris Johnson it's a witch Hunt you have been through so much in the last two years and done so well with this country 👍 what has happened is disgusting on this country they have no respect for A pm running our country
So am I Rees mog is a good man he can put things over to the public very well an he will not stand for a nice being put in Boris Johnson back its a witch Hunt Boris has had the hardest job to do in years from a PM So p.ease give him some credit 👍 And Respect the man And. Leave the man alone to carry on being our PM Wife good luck to you both thank you for supporting throughout the last 2 years can't have been easy for you Both ❤
Rest mogg is a good man he is the only one that has stood up for Boris Johnson he nose what is going on in our country and its not good please Boris Johnson stay until we this country çan have a vote good luck to you for being so strong Do t let them run you out we need you xx
Don't belive it after all this time they say this Rishy is like a snake in the grass I Do not want him as our MP why has he finished this this job for the love of the people that he keeps saying a out Rubish what is this man up to he is so to face this Ricky we have to watch him if so this country he will finish that's my view anyway
You news reader are so rude get someone else to do your job nasty man you are hold some respect for your job and the pèrsonson you are taking to please
Boris was at least properly in touch with working people. I don’t see anyone else around who i would vote for. From Sir Kier to Sunak they are all clueless nobs. This has been a media frenzy driven by some desperately power hungry conservatives. Ultimately Boris’ support was with people like me and we didn’t have a say in whether he stayed or went. Despite giving them a huge majority the conservative MPs didn’t appreciate him nor the type of person that people want as leader.
Sir Alistair Graham, the former Chair of the Commission for Standards in Public Life, in reference to Zahawi –
“It is disturbing that two experienced members of Parliament [as Rory Stewart was also a Chair] did not see fit to declare their active membership of Le Cercle at the time they were a member of a key select committee, the functions of which clearly overlapped with the discussions of Le Cercle, which is a shadowy body which concerns itself with foreign affairs”.
I wonder what they are going to do when they don’t have Boris Johnson to gossip about anymore.🇺🇸
Ummm 🤔…CORPORATION TAX for who. I am a living woman, I am not a person and I do not associate myself with the fictitious strawman/imposter, so they can tax the strawman I’m not paying jack squat so they can plop off. Where’s my share of the fiat money attached to my national insurance number. Scoundrels.
Sweden here, bad politicans are all the same everywhere!
Rout them out!
If we look at the history of honesty and ethics or lack thereof in Boris Johnson political career we shouldn't be surprised, yet here we are (including me) with a
surprised pikachu face!
If someone tells you who they are belive them!
p.s please would you put proper English subtitles, for people that are hard of hearing and people like me who have English as a second language.The auto genrated subtitles are often wrong!
a long time a go, sunset is questionable with taxes and Javid has handled the pandemic terrible.
Best news iv heard all YEAR ABOUT TIME. HIPACRITS THE LOT OF THEM. AS members of the the public we go in to London for the day in our cars we have to pay congestion charges SO THE GOVERNMENT HAVE LAYED DOWN . BUT BORRIS JOHNSON CAN ARRIVE AT 10 DOWNING STREET IN A 3 LTR 4×4 RANGE ROVER.
You Brit’s are clowns
Come to Oklahoma I can show you how to ride a buffalo
Sunak and Javid traitors both and not to be trusted again
Rees-Mogg just confirmed that no other PM would be stupid enough to appoint him to high office.
He did not.
childcare. What moral code allows him to remain in post after what has happened today? How many in the cabinet can now be seen as having an iota of decency?
I do not want Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister.
childcare. What moral code allows him to remain in post after what has happened today? How many in the cabinet can now be seen as having an iota of decency?